Mihaela Chițac's books published at other publishing houses can be ordered directly from the author by email
P U B L I S H E D :
Mihaela Chițac wrote and published some volumes of poetry with her own original illustrations: “Culoare prin cuvânt”, EDP, 2006; “Prin grădina Evei”, Lumina Tipo, 2013; “Farmecele Ellei”, Integral ed., 2016, “În umbra pajurii”, eCreator, Baia Mare, 2019, as well as a Calendar for the 2016, „Poesia”, Lumina Tipo, 2015. She contributed with poems in Romanian literary magazines (Avanpost, eCreator) and in collective anthologies (Poezia iubirii, Măiastra ed., Târgu-Jiu, 2012; Înzăpezirea cuvântului; Desprimăvărarea cuvântului; Întomnarea cuvântului; Paradisul iubirii; Vara sentimentelor, eCreator ed., Baia Mare, 2018, 2019, 2020).
She also wrote and published a series of books of rhymes for children, such as: “Ceata lui Truli-Ruli”; „Școala lui Horhe: Alfabetul”; „Școala lui Horhe: Numerele”, Galaxia Copiilor, ALL, 2013, and “Aripioare... Zbârli-Zburli”, Coresi, 2019.
Since she attended and graduated from a Fine Arts Secondary School of Bucharest in 1975, Mihaela Chițac took part in many documentation art camps and participated in several organized collective, group, and solo exhibitions.
A member of the International Artists Union, she has paintings in private and state collections in Romania and abroad.
Mihaela Chițac is a poet, visual artist, and translator. She was born on 10 August 1956 in Bucharest – Romania.
She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English & Romanian languages in 1990 from the University of Bucharest.
She worked as a teacher of English in lower intermediate school and as a copywriter in large publishing houses, such as Monitorul Oficial R.A. and Editura Didactică și Pedagogică (EDP) where she edited and translated many albums of art, books and dictionaries.
She is also a co-author of English textbooks for secondary school classes (“English Forever”, EDP, Bucharest, 2003, 2004).
M i h a e l a C h i ț a c
B i f r o s t P u b l i s h i n g H o u s e o n s o c i a l m e d i a
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